Rest on Red
In this project VISSIM microsimulation software interfaced with SCATSIM was used to test personalities developed in NGEN. The objective was to assess the Rest-on-Red mode of operation on eight intersections in Perth. This mode of operation was considered as having safety benefits for pedestrians especially at night and in low level traffic conditions. The logic for the eight intersections was developed, assembled and tested using NGEN and WinTRAFF Single software. The modelling was done using VISSIM/SCATSIM integration.
EELUP Roundabout signalisation
Eelup roundabout located north of Bunbury is the first permanent roundabout signalisation in Western Australia. Before commissioning the roundabout was microsimulated in VISSIM for both peaks and Easter Monday scenarios to establish optimal cycle times in relation to queue storage spaces within the roundabout circulation area. Special attention was paid to different dynamic characteristics of heavy vehicles and their impact on the discharge capacity. Modelled operation resembled closely the real operation after opening.
PT. LEWIS ROTARY signalisation
First application of temporary roundabout signalisation (metering) was tested in VISSIM. The logic developed in VisVAP was a starting point for the operation of signals at the commissioning stage. The model formed the basis to optimise real system settings including occupancy, red and blank times and formed the basis for conducting an economic assessment of the traffic flow improvements. An after study showed the simulation replicated real life conditions and confirmed economic benefits.